Oil products
The activities of RISE OIL GROUP comply with the highest industry standards and international legislation. All business processes are based on regulatory requirements.

Our business is technically and commercially complex, and geographically and operationally distributed. We ensure quality control of services and monitor compliance with safety, health, and the environment, and take into account the requirements of HSEC at all stages of decision-making.
  • Business activities

    Our business activities are built on a comprehensive compliance program

  • Our policy

    Our policy sets out the standards for employees regarding business ethics, behavior, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Policy was put down in strict adherence to the relevant guidelines and recommendations

  • Implementation and monitoring

    The compliance of RISE OIL GROUP is based on the principle of cooperation at every stage of the process. Compliance is integrated with business, risk, and audit functions throughout the company, in addition to leveraging the expertise of other departments as needed.

Our ability to effectively manage the risks is essential to the stability and continued development of the RISE OIL GROUP.

Financial, operational, and market risks are integral to commodity trading and logistics. We cannot completely avoid them, but can prepare and manage. We maintain complex risk management systems, processes, and controls. The risk policy is centrally determined, risks are analyzed daily, and our procedures are constantly reviewed and updated.
We inspire economic growth and build a stronger society
We use several risk management tools to minimize the overall risk at any given time:
Financial instruments for hedging risks of changes in commodity prices and exchange rates
Respect for human rights and freedoms, care for the health of workers, and labor protection
Managing conflicts of interest
Comprehensive pre-acquisition and post-acquisition management
Corruption control
Insurance of various operational risks, including those related to transportation
Compliance with legislation, generally accepted standards of corporate and business ethics
Responsible trading
Protection of confidential and insider information
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